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Welcome Back to Work from Middle Autumn & China National Holiday ---- Zhengzhou E.P Machinery Co., Ltd

Welcome Back to Work from Middle Autumn & China National Holiday ---- Zhengzhou E.P Machinery Co., Ltd

After a long 8-day holiday for celebration of China Middle Autumn and China National Holiday, on the day Zhengzhou E.P Company restarted work, all sales staff received their own little gifts - start-up red envelopes.

The start-up red envelope is one of the cultures of Chinese companies. It is a red envelope distributed by the company to its employees and subordinates. It contains 8CNY, 18CNY and other banknotes that symbolize auspicious and prosperous amounts, so as to make everyone happy and lively, symbolizing good luck in work, harmony, and prosperous business.

Welcome Back to Work from Middle Autumn & China National Holiday  ---- Zhengzhou E.P Machinery Co., Ltd

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